Sell dead stock on ARCANA
Sell dead stock on ARCANA

Normally, even though it's regrettable, eventually you have to dispose of it,or can it be redistributed and used elsewhere, right?

Interested in selling your products?
You can easily register as a seller by clicking the button below.
Next Step
Product posting

After successfully registering as a seller, ARCANA will proceed to send an Excel form for product registration.
Customers (sellers) are requested to fill in the details, attach images, and send it back to ARCANA for product registration.
When orders come in

When an order is placed, the seller will be requested to send the products to ARCANA.
ARCANA will then handle the delivery of the products to the customer who placed the order.
After this process is completed,ARCANA will transfer the payment to the seller.
Advantages of selling in ARCANA
Registration is free. there will be a 15.65% management fee deducted from the total sales amount.

Every year, the global volume of dead stock increases. These are products that, despite having value, are not being utilized and are stored in inventory. This practice, also known as stockpiling or warehousing, not only has negative consequences for businesses but also has detrimental effects on the environment.
ARCANA is a platform that helps manage and extract value from dead stock.
Selling on ARCANA can help eliminate dead stock and increase sales for your company.
It's a way to boost sales while being environmentally conscious.
Would you like to try selling on ARCANA ?